World Wide Zoom Meeting

Dear family,

What a time we are witness to:

the continuing evolving of our spiritual family,
the spreading of the latest virulent virus,
all amidst the destructive destabilizing of our home world.

I am calling together all of our DHO initiates – world wide – to hold our hands and hearts together, united in prayer for the alleviation of human suffering, and the healing of our planet.

All those attuned to this need are welcome to join with us.

September 12, 2020 (Saturday) – Noon-EDT,
(9am-PDT, 6pm-Germany, ~ UTC -4)
Use this Time Zone Converter to find the start time where you live

As Murshid Sam’s Hakim, and as a Servant of The One, I am enjoined to state that our work is selfless, and not directed to personal achievement nor recognition or approval by any organization, or individual.

For this gathering, I would like to focus our attention on our Elders, and God-parents, and their messages of Love, Loyalty, and Selfless Service.

As Moineddin so aptly put it:

“there are those who love Dharma;
and, there are those who love drama.”

I am hopeful that we can, once again, have a gathering of our initiatic family;

to hold the world in our heart’s arms, as we invoke the blessings of our lineage, with special emphasis on our inner guides (especially Quan Yin).

We shall do practices directly given, or inspired by our Elders, as well as an Absent Healing Ritual for our extended spiritual family, and for our Mother Earth.

Inshallah! Ananda will join us for some sung Zikr.

Please spread the word. If you need the Zoom link, please contact Murad.

All blessings upon your work

Yours in Service to the Real
Hakim Saul-uddin
August, 2020


Transmission — by Saul

Beloved family,

It is a great pleasure to have been asked to write an article for our Ruhaniat journal.

Today, I wish to spotlight and honor our specific transmission of Baraka.

We are so blessed to have such a lineage to call upon. From Hazrat Inayat Khan, through Murshid SAM, and Pir Moineddin Jablonski. They are all links in the Chain of Blessings (our silsila) which connects us to our lineage and with which we can connect, both in need and in thankfulness.

In addition, it is also important to honor and recognize all the G-D parents we had in those early days of our independence: Joe and Guin Miller, Frida Waterhouse, Father Blighton, Jiyu Kennett Roshi, Teddy Rich, Rev. Gene Wagner, Dr. Seo, plus all those known and unknown to us, who gave us the strength of their support and recognition.

As future historians will note, “Sufi Dancing” went from a garage in San Francisco to a worldwide phenomena.  And all in just a couple of generations. Murshid SAM had the transmission to give, and his successor, Pir Moineddin Jablonski, not only had it but manifested it.  His Darshan worked, as did Murshid Sams.

Sufism is all about Transmission.  It is not about memorizing what has been written. Nor is it an academic treatise to be discussed. Transmission is what assists and powers us from Fana (surrender) into Baka (realization).

Murshid SAM said (in my presence) that he would be remembered in Sufi annals for his inclusion of Fana-fi-Pir (surrender to the teacher who has passed beyond) into the lineage stream. Traditionally one lists Fana-fi-Sheikh (surrender to the embodied teacher), as a start.  Followed by Fana-fi-Rasul (surrender to the divine Messenger) and finally, Fana fi Lillah (surrender directly to Allah). Murshid SAM inserted Fana fi Pir after Fana fi Shiekh and before Fana fi Rasul.

This hierarchy of receiving teachings is also sometimes referred to as the “boats” that carry us: Shariat (the form of prayer for all), Tariqat (the taking on of a teacher, who then gives one practices), Marifat (when one receives ones guidance from a Rasul), and Haqiqat (when Allah gives one direct guidance).

Murshid SAM’s addition of Fana-fi-Pir came about from his deep attunement to Inayat Khan, and from his openness to the Spirit of Guidance. This allowed him to do copious, profound commentaries on Hazrat Inayat Khan’s writings, which have served us all after his passing, and which he claimed to be Inayat Khan speaking through him. Alhamdulliah!

On a personal note, for any success gained by the performance of the Absent Healing Ritual, I fully credit Murshida Bhakti Engle for her passage of the Shafia’s Baraka. Ya Shakur!

Our order, The Sufi Islamia Ruhaniat Society, was founded by Murshid SAM, under the direct orders of Pir Dewal Shareef, who gave him the instructions to organize, so as to protect and preserve his work. Murshid SAM said this in my presence.

Murshid SAM always attempted to follow his spiritual orders, thus not blocking the transmissions he carried.  He felt that obedience to one’s teachers was to act as a Abdul—a slave to the Divine Will. He once remarked to me he had met the Qtub and was made an ABDUL. “It means slave,” he explained. “But it’s a very high position.”

It is this one’s humble opinion that the Dances were created so as to fulfill instructions he was given by Sufi Barket Ali, who directed him to have 10,000 Americans say “Allah!”

I bear witness to its completion: in 1970 at a “Holy Man Jam” in San Francisco, Murshid SAM led an Allah snake dance.  I recall him doing a quick count of the house (there were many thousands present) and turning to Wali Ali (his correspondence secretary at the time) and saying “Write Sufi Barket Ali, and inform him I have completed my assignment.”

It is from such small ripples on the cosmic pond, that events ripen and mature.

Murshid Sam once made a comment about Paul Brunton (A Search in Secret India and A Search in Secret Egypt).  His books were popular with us at the time, and someone asked Murshid what he thought about them.  “They’re all right,” he said, “but I have a problem with him. His teacher Ramana Maharshi asked him to move to Prague in the early 1930’s and he refused. I blame his refusal for the war that followed.”

Tasawwuf, or Sufism, is based on following in the footsteps of the teacher so that we may receive and actualize their Baraka, and carry it forward into the next generation. It is in this surrender to the Ideal that one’s heart/mind becomes one with the Divine.

The Sufi Invocation calls upon us to embody the Message, and there is no better path to doing this than the Tassawuri Walks of the Masters, Saints, and Prophets, given us through Murshid SAM. Or, as Joe Miller said: “It can’t be taught.  It has to be caught.”

Murshid SAM rarely gave walks to his non-disciples.  In open meetings, he would use us as demonstrations of what can be accomplished via mureedship, sometimes as walkers, and sometimes as dancers. Dances with participants of only one element were used to demonstrate the reality of the elements in humanity. In addition, there were specific women’s dances, and men’s dances, as well as dances for mureeds only. His test for remaining in the Advanced Dance Class was not a dance, but rather one’s mastery of one of the Astrological Walks.

I observed him during a meeting dancing a partner dance with a woman, who was not a mureed, and afterwards telling her to see Wali Ali for practices, as she was initiated during their interaction. “It was the energy,” he later said upon questioning.

Transmission does not require a formal organization and may, perhaps, be impeded by it. Nonetheless, our order has saved, and organized Murshid SAM’s “work” for future generations. Thus it serves the written. Ya Shakur! May it continue to serve the living.

Once again, it was a true and real blessing to have encountered a being who manifested such deep open-heartedness and lived his connection to the Divine. My first ‘teacher,’ Mother Mary of Mt Shasta, described a real teacher: “A real teacher is like the sun. They give to all, and ask nothing in return.”

All thankfulness for the opportunity to have been with Murshid SAM for two full and overflowing years. Allah Mubarak!

I’ll close with two simple practices I tend to use when I feel in need of assistance:

The first is to call on Murshid: putting “Ya Murshid” on the breath, and allow it to move through one’s bodies.

The second is calling on the Spirit of Guidance: subvocalizing on the tone “Ya Hu” and feeling it resonate all through you.

May these be as helpful to you as they have been for me

Yours in Service to the Real,
Hakim Saul-uddin

Virginia, April 14, 2020


DHO Oregon 2020 Postponed

Dear family, 

Amidst the current crisis, it is not appropriate for us to act as though we are in a corona-virus free world. 

We have decided not to have our annual DHO meeting in June. We are planning to postpone this meeting for a year, until June 27-Jul 2, 2021 at Alton Collins, near Portland, OR.  

This decision was not an easy one and was made to protect those of us who are elderly, or have a compromised immune system, as well as those of us who would have to travel long distances to attend. It would be a great sadness to have our gathering become an unintentional vector for further infection. 

We have also cancelled our annual Schnede gathering in Germany and are restricting physical participation in our Sunday Healing Service.  

To keep our connections going and to continue being of service in this time of great need, various online Healing Services have been taking place. If you are open to others joining, it would be wonderful to develop a list of these so that all of us from all around the world can attend. Please send your information to Murad.

Remember to follow our Elders’ advice: Stay centered in your heart, watch your breath, maintain proper sanitary precautions, and use this opportunity to practice practice practice what we have been studying, teaching and reading about for years.

Yours in Service to the Real
and, until we meet again Bodisattvas,
Hakim Saul-uddin
March 19, 2020Virginia

Haus Schnede 2020 cancelled

Dear ones,

It is with a heavy heart that I am moved to cancel our planned gathering at Haus Schnede this coming May 18 – 23rd, 2020.

We are following the advice of our elders – “Trust in G-D, but tie your camel.”

We are all hopeful that we shall meet again next May 10-15, 2021.
As it is said in the story of the king and the amulet – “This too shall Pass.”

Until then, please be true to your path of selfless service. A positive and clear attitude, extra care in sanitation and group contact, along with an open heart (with a strong sense of your own self worth), and an active linkage to our silsila, can go a long way in self protection amidst any pandemic.

Remember to attend, either in person (carefully) – or on line, the Absent Healing Rituals. Thus, we may link up on the inner planes, and send the Shafia around the world.

The ritual is a perfect way to send positive, loving and nurturing energy to those in need. Especially during the last section for the Known & Unknown.

We shall continue our Sunday service – our ritual starts at 11:00 our east coast time. You may join us on the inner plains.

I plan on sending out a new homework assignment to carry us through the coming year within the next few days.

Until we meet again Bodisatvas…

Yours in Service to The Real (and with all my love)
hakim saul-uddin
Virginia, March 14, 2020

DHO Update Report

Dear family,

Our 20th anniversary celebration of the Federation of the Sufi Message just concluded – here in Charlottesville – where it all started 20 years ago. The energy was sweet and the participants were heart filled. Joy abounds. 

We began with a Remembrance Ceremony for those who have passed away this past year, plus some who were both the inspiration and guiding force for this coming together to actually occur. And ended with a healing ceremony for all of our Inayati family. 

Now to prepare for our Summer at Shnede, and our annual DHO gathering. This time at Mt Shasta – June 16-22, 2019. 

Murad has written that Shasta Abby has confirmed our visit and will open their meditation hall for us.  Yummy. And Mary Beth has mapped out our route to Widow Springs. So, it looks as though we are all set to go. 

If you are planning on join us, and haven’t yet registered, please inform Jude soon. There are motel overflows available, but tempis fugit (Time Flies). Early birds get the best spaces. 

All blessings
Hakim Saul uddin

PS – We are confirmed for Friday evening, June 14 at the San Francisco Theosophical Lodge. As previously mentioned, I will be bringing with me, the one physical object that connects Mother Mary, Murshid Sam, and Joe Miller.

809 Mason Street, San Francisco, 94108. Doors open at 6:00 pm.
Meeting starts at 7:00 pm.

Registration info:

If you stay in a motel, the Camp Fee from Sunday evening to Saturday afternoon is $310. Camp fee includes meals and everything else EXCEPT housing. You will be responsible for booking and paying for your own motel.

If possible, please send your full fee to Jude. You can also reserve your place with a $100 deposit. Please let us know if you have dietary needs (dairy free, gluten free, vegan). If you want dorm housing, there may be some space left in the dorm or you can ask to be on the wait list if we get cancellations. $455. Camp Fee includes on-site housing and on-site meals.

Contact information for the local motels:

  • Hi Lo Motel (Recommended) about ½ mile from college – 530-938-2731
  • Town House motel across street from Hi Lo – 530-938-4431
  • Motel 6 about 1.5 mile north of the college – 530-938-4101
  • At the South Weed exit is a Siskiyou Inn, Comfort Inn and Quality Inn

All DHO staff are volunteers and pay full fees. Left over monies are donated to a local charity.

Questions? Murad (Camp Manager) or Jude (Registrar).

Letter From Saul

Dearest family,

Greetings of the Season. As the old year winds down, and the Winter Solstice beckons, I am moved to share some concentrations to help the coming year move in a more peaceful and loving manner.

Most Important:
Do not despair. Despair only blocks the heart, and impedes the flow of baraka. Always know that you are not alone. Your initiation links you with multitudes of realized souls who can be called upon to share light, and love and happiness. Start with your initiator, and work backwards. Sometimes, just repeating their names as a mantra can be most beneficial.

Also important:
Do not surrender, or abandon your Concentration of Peace manifesting through the agency of Love, Harmony & Beauty.
Our founders (Sufi Inayat Khan, Murshid Sam, and Pir Moineddin) all had major disappointments in their lives; but did not allow the darkness to cloud their inner vision and never curtailed their work for The Message.

Always remember the great question:

‘If not me, then who?
If not now, then when?’

On a personal note: all is well in Virginia. Snow is melting, and our hearts are warm. Looking forward to soon being a fully retired former tribal textile person.

AND: June DHO approaches – June 16-21

Shasta amidst the re-growing greenery, and regrown ice pack.

Once again, we will dip into the Occult and Metaphysical portions of our transmission:

  • Mother Mary May Meyer, Swami Jugud Bundu, The Great White Brotherhood, Ascended Masters, secret machinery within the mountain, flying saucers, aliens, – Wow! and that’s just a portion of it:
  • Prophecy, intuition, inner sight, and the tools needed to train oneself: I Ching, Tarot, Numerology, Astrology, and the Bowl of Saki as ‘Openers’.
  • We plan on visiting Shasta Abby & Jiu Kennet Roshi (our God Mother), doing the Praja Paramati Sutra at her cenotaph, and remembering our times together.
  • Inshallah! Panther Meadows will be open and available. If not there’s Bunny Flats.
  • Widow Springs for the healing waters, and the headwaters of the Sacramento River.
  • And, hopefully, our dear brother Jeff Whittier (holder of Mother Mary’s physical treasures, and author of her biography – ‘ Good is Never Lost ‘) is planning on joining us.
  • Many, many stories to share – from The I Am Society to Jack Schwartz.

Have sent in my deposit. Looking forwards to see you all in June.

all blessings and love
Hakim Sauluddin
North Garden, Virginia
December 21, 2018

SHASTA June 16-21, 2019

Information for Registration:
We will be meeting and staying at the College of the Siskiyou’s in Weed, CA. Costs are still being worked on, but please send a $100 deposit to to reserve your space. Housing at the College is limited.

Send to Jude Sargent, 922 Stanyan, SF, CA 95117-3807.
Questions? Email – Murad or Jude

Please note: all DHO staff are volunteers, and pay full fees. Left over monies are donated to a local charity.

Report: DHO at Lama 2018

Dear family,

Our Lama pilgrimage is now part of the ‘living history’ of Murshid Sam’s legacy.

Firstly, I am so happy to report that Murshid is alive and present, and vocal.

About 70 of us gathered for our week together, and his blessings were palpable. Alhamdulliah! The Lama community was as gracious as ever, and we felt welcomed and honored.

Five of Murshid Sam’s original mureeds were present:
Siddiq, Mansur, Fawn (Nasima), Surya (Less), and myself

We held 2 formal processions up to the grave site, and did the Absent Healing Ritual there twice. What a rush of blessings.

Ananda was with us – Yeah! – and led deeply touching sung zikr in both the Lama dome, and at the grave site itself. 

So many inner instructions were given: 

I was told to make 3 more Shafayats: Jude Sargent, Michael Endlich and Nazzruddin Eddie Greenberg. And, Siddiq was recognized for his many, many years of unselfish devotion with the title of Vakil (the Guardian). I loved his comment, when asked if he wanted this public or private -“I’ve been doing this for so many years, it might as well be public.”


Nasima came to me to share her instructions from Murshid. She had avoided the grave site, and was working in the kitchen. “He told me to be initiated,” she said. So, I initiated her as a healing conductor, and she will hold that post at Lama.

At our gathering, there were so many of our family who can hold both the inner and outer space, that we opened up the meeting to many presenters:
Although I opened with the first of the Absent Healing Ritual, each morning had a different conductor, ending with our newest initiated conductor. 

Our brother Aslan is undergoing Chemo Therapy, so there was no choir.

With more time to pray together, we increased our regular offerings: 

  • Ahura Grace took over the dance night. and, Ya Shakur! she held the energy very well.
  • Murad led an evening of Sufi Qigong/Healing Zikr that had us extending our fingers of light with wazifa and clearing blockages and pain from our bodies. A number of people reported amazing elimination of pain.
  • Ahura Grace led us in a powerful evening of zikr that was joined by the neighboring Lama community.
  • In addition, our brother Noel Hanuman was feeling too frail for high altitudes and uneven ground, so Richard took over the post of honoring Hanuman, and did a superb job. Ram! Ram! Ram!
  • 1001 Bead Zikr at the grave site (Murshida Mariam),
  • Sufi Qigong 3.0 (Murad),
  • Morning Yoga (Richard),
  • Tea (Siddiq & Sakina),
  • the Kuan Yin Aspect (Sarfaraz),
  • Dream Diving (Azima),
  • The Hidden Jewel in the Amulet (Micheal Endlich),
  • Writing Down the Bones (in honor of Elaine Sutton-Ayesha),
  • Shamanistic Journey (River)
  • Mansur read excerpts from his newest book of memories of what Murshid felt and did in his presence. He is calling it “The Bowl of Saki” – with his commentary and memories following each entry. He remarked that he had so many more memories to share that were not in his book Murshid.
  • And, there were walks
  • Ram Nam
  • The Kali Mantra
  • The Maha Mudra
  • bed time stories, and homework. 
  • Plus a lot of new reminiscences from folks who were with Murshid. I loved Nasima’s story of how she got her name…

We followed Lama’s Friday night Shabbos celebration, with some Hebrew Tassawuri walks, a few stories I recalled from my youth, and then Nazruddin enlivened the evening with Humor as a tool for healing the heart. Funny! as usual. And, better yet, it worked.

Some of the Old Timers came by for a howdy too – Rahaman was a stand out in memory. 

Special Kudos to Murad who oversaw the Pilgrimage – from inception, through planning and into reality, to Jude, who kept us in check and arranged transport and ride sharing, and to Jamil, our Lama contact, who assisted in holding such a welcoming and loving space for us to gather together. Ya Shakur.

We also spoke about our ‘special donation’ to Lama:
Lama is planning on renovating the old kitchen, which is now unusable, and they are raising funds for it. I did not want our donation to go into a large pool, but wanted it to go towards a single specific purpose, as we have done in the past. They want a new entrance door to the renovated kitchen, and donating a door (way) feels so much DHO. I envisioned a blend of design on the outer side – New Mexico and Sufi – and a Zen theme on the inner side – so that when one enters – one is aware of where one is, and when one leaves – one is made aware of leaving the inner, and re-entering the outer (world). I would also love to see a small inscription on the bottom of the outer side –

“Samuel L. Lewis Memorial Doorway to Inner Peace”

Lama has contact with a gifted local woodworker…so it is a possibility. Depending on what he charges, we may have enough in trust to cover it. Inshallah!

Topping it all off, 30 of us joined Murshida Darvesha, on Sunday – the next day – for a celebration of The Dances turning 50 years old. About 125 folks showed up for the afternoon. It was rocking.

Photos of Lama –


We are hoping for Mt. Shasta in 2019 – June 16 to 21
Mark your calendars.

Mother Mary. The Great White Brotherhood. The Order of Melchizadek.
Flying Saucers. Widow Springs. The Zen Mission Society. Jiu Kennett Roshi.
Panther Meadows. and so much more of the Esoteric Transmission of our lineage.

The proposed housing is not expensive, and they are happy to work with us on food.

More soon.

Am now resting up at home in Virginia
sending love and hugs

your in Service to the Real
Hakim Sauluddin
Happy Freedom Day – July 4, 2018